Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hey, I Saw You On Facebook! No, You’re Not Hired

Great article...if you're a job seeker, and you're on Facebook or any social media site, take note!
This isn't our normal hiring routine, but it might be others.

Hey, I Saw You On Facebook! No, You’re Not Hired

Written by
October 4, 2012

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill last week making it illegal for employers to ask for workers’ email or social media passwords. That’s not stopping one California CEO, who doesn’t agree with the law by the way, from heavily incorporating social media searches into his hiring process. In fact, he blogs about interviewing a woman who was qualified for the job, but didn’t get it after he found “unsavory content” on her Facebook profile.Hey, I Saw You On Facebook! No, Youre Not Hired
Tim Davis, CEO of Assisted Living, a senior care and assisted living facility search engine, says he has never asked for an employee’s or applicant’s Facebook login information, but states he is “friends with his employees who are on the social network.”
And he is doing some social media due diligence as part of his screening and hiring process, like legions of others.
A blog post by Davis called “How We Hire” reveals the details. It is reproduced in italics below.
There’s been a lot of news coverage about California making it illegal for employers to ask employees and applicants for their social media profile info.
A person’s social media presence plays a big role in who we interview and hire.

FOR MORE ON THIS INTERESTING PIECE OF INFO, VISIT:  http://www.staffingtalk.com/hey-i-saw-you-on-facebook-no-youre-not-hired/

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