Monday, May 14, 2012

Blue Collar Tip of the Day: How to Motivate Blue-Collar Employees

by John Ehle, Demand Media

...Creating a “pro-worker” atmosphere within the company will boost overall morale, productivity and cooperation, while reducing turnover rates and grievances.

Step 1

Hold regular meetings that include the company's blue-collar workforce. Encourage the employees to voice their opinions and suggestions on how to improve working conditions, equipment and production processes. Allowing the workers to take part in regular meetings will not only give management valuable insight, it will also promote a higher level of trust and positive involvement for all involved.

Step 2

Identify weaknesses in safety standards and production processes. Making sure the employees are supplied with the proper tools and equipment is key to boosting productivity, safety and morale. Disregarding requests for upgraded or adequate equipment and supplies may convey a negative message to the employees, while reducing motivation.

Step 3

Perform routine evaluations for each employee. Use the opportunity to praise individual worker achievements and as a private means to address areas of concern.

Step 4

Discipline uncooperative or abusive workers immediately and in a consistent manner. Keeping a professional work atmosphere, free from disruptive behavior, will help boost productivity, while reducing negativity.

Step 5

Set long- and short-term goals for the employees and departments within the company. Promote friendly competitions between departments and give positive recognition to those that exceed expectations.

Step 6

Offer special projects to hardworking and capable individuals. This will give the employees the chance to expand their skill set. Giving the employees a chance to explore other positions or an opportunity to take part in new tasks can be an effective motivator.

Step 7

Offer a profit-sharing plan or other equitable compensation that will allow the employees to share in the company's success. Smaller perks such as making improvements to break areas, vending machines and other worker-centered services may help improve relations.


 for more info.


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